With the right amount of followers, you can make other people think that you have a larger value than you do and that you are really important and have something to offer. A large number of followers, which gives the illusion of popularity, increasing your value in the social media sphere. Eventually, more people will follow you and it will further strengthening your online popularity.
While you can buy Instagram and have up to 100,000 followers in one day by spending money on services that automate the follow system, social media platforms have solved everything. They know about these services, and are aware of bots or spam accounts this service use to boost the followers of their clients. Social media platforms take action in two ways: they ban spam account and significantly reduces those people that follow you because you are guilty of astroturfing, however, your efforts will be in vain, and your money will be wasted.
Let's say you are careful. You don’t get a lot of followers through astroturfing, and your account is not banned. Excellent! But still, the number of spam accounts following you will send warning signals to others people – both your followers and those who plan to follow you. Realize that you pretended to be popular through the accumulation of false follower. As a consequence, your online credibility will be greatly reduced. You'll lose followers, and you will stop gaining true follower.
Also, have thousands of fake follower is useless, knowing that this fake account is bots, and therefore, they are not able to like or share content you post which is the One of the main goals of social media exposure. Without likes or shares, the content you post won’t get a wide and exposure of your account to others will be limited.
The best way is to build your follower count from scratch.
- Engage with people
- Have interesting content to share
- Provide useful information,
- Share lovely and attractive pictures,
- Offering advice and guidance, and
- Develop close relationships with your followers
The key here is to build trust. The more people trust you, the more fans. It might be useful to apply other principles of friendship and compassion, accuracy, comfort, honesty, respect and commitment.
So can you buy instagram followers? The answer is yes but you should really think about it first! Real fans or followers will get you the exposure you need, as well as the popularity, by then you will no longer need to buy friends or astroturf. You can still use astroturfing to jump start your popularity. Use it with caution, however, and focus on how you can attract the right kind of social media attention.
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